Woman Made Well

What's Draining Your Bucket

Candice Wood Episode 2

Welcome back to Woman Made Well! Today, I’m exploring a topic that hits close to home: managing depression and anxiety while balancing the demands of daily life. I’ll be sharing my favorite metaphor, the “bucket of water”, to help us better understand these feelings and approach them with patience.

Think of your ability to handle life’s challenges as a bucket filled with water. We use that water to put out daily “fires”, like work stress or family demands. But for many of us, we’re starting each day with a nearly empty bucket, leaving us drained. Recently, I spoke with a client who seemed happy but was constantly feeling irritable with her loved ones—simply because her bucket was already running dry.

In this episode, I’ll share practical tips on how to stop the drain and refill your bucket, so you can show up as your best self without guilt or burnout.

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